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?? nonee a7sn a7d ??


مجموعة سر الحياه ~ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/seralhaiaa/


 Click for Beirut, Lebanon Forecast 


 From: edlibi37  


يا رَبْ

إذا أسَأت إلى الناس فَاعْطِني شجَاعَة الاعتذار
وإذا أسَاء لي النَّاس فاعْطِنْي شجَاعَة العَفْوَ
وإذا نَسيْتك يَارَبّ أرجو أن لا تنسَـاني مَنْ عَفوِك وَحْلمك
فأنت العَظيْم القَـهّار القَادِرْ عَـلى كُـلّ شيء..



I dreamt a dream of butterflies
That flittered and fluttered
And filled the blue skies
I tell you, my friend,
It was a sight for sore eyes!

Just then I noticed
One stood out from the rest;
This one little butterfly
Had me completely impressed!

It did flips and tricks,
And what seemed to be
A little butterfly show-
Just especially for me!

I knew it was special,
Right from the start!
I knew that it cared,
I knew it had heart!!

Tears of joy I began to cry,
For I knew something else
'Bout this sweet butterfly...

For w
hat it showed me
Was a love strong and true..
What it showed me, my dear,
Was my friendship with YOU!
